Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Comparatives and Superlatives

Helo E4 students,

First of all, I'd like to congratulate you for your good work while posting the descriptions and guesses of your classmates last week. You did a great job.

Last class we talked about comparatives and superlatives. I have selected here  a video and links of some activities for you to practice on the topic.

longlongerthe longest
largelargerthe largest
bigbiggerthe biggest

prettyprettierthe prettiest

boringmore boringthe most boring

There are also some irregular adjectives:
goodbetterthe best
badworsethe worst
farfurtherthe furthest

Don't forget: you usually need the before the superlative.
My sister is the most beautiful woman in the world.


Now look at the picture bellow and think about six sentences: comparative (3 sentences) and superlatives(3 sentences)


Let's play a game? Go to the link below:


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Describing a Classmate

Hello everyone,

I am very glad because we are about to start our first online activity. This week you are going to describe your classmate according to his/her appearance and what he or she is wearing today (05/11/20120).
Remember that you are going to answer two questions to complete your composition:

What is he/she wearing?

What does she/he look like?


She is beautiful. She is short and thin. She has medium length wavy blond hair. She has a fringe. She has big ears and a big nose. She has long eyelashes. She has a small mouth and thin lips. She has thin eyebrow. She has brown eyes. She is in her twenties. She is athletic.
She is wearing a lilac blouse, a white and gold belt, brown pants, beige sandals, a watch and glasses. She is wearing gold earrings and a necklace, too. She is not wearing a bracelet.

Who is she?

Please post your answer until next Friday (18/05/2012) and try to guess at least two people by reading your classmates descriptions and post at least two comments. 

Optional activity: Listening